ITV Looking for British Expats

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ITV Looking for British Expats

Postby Adriana » 09 May 2008, 13:12

Just received this flyer from Kaaj at Fevermedia. They are looking for participants in a new TV series. Interested? Read on... :?:


ITV1 are making the second series of �No Place Like Home?� about British Ex-Pats who are considering moving back to the UK.

We�re keen to hear from Brits who are living abroad, but who are now thinking about returning permanently to Britain.

Perhaps you miss your family and friends, maybe you are
struggling with the language, or very simply you yearn for a bit of British culture.

However, it�s not an easy decision � what if you make a mistake?

You�ll be flown back to the UK and given the opportunity to �test-drive� the reality of living in the UK.

Relocation expert Catherine Gee will give you the information you need to make an informed decision about whether to remain an expat or come home for good.

If this sounds like you, or anyone you know,
please contact Kaaj

Or call 00 44 (0) 20 7428 5755
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ITV Looking for British Expats

Postby Kojak » 09 May 2008, 14:01

This looks like a spin-off from previous TV programmes about Brits wanting to move abroad. What amazed me was the number of people who simply hadn't thought the whole thing through. Giving up homes and jobs and then finding that things just weren't as idyllic as they'd imagined. It's the old story about the grass appearing greener on the other side of the fence.
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ITV Looking for British Expats

Postby Adriana » 09 May 2008, 14:37

The last time we received one of these requests, we asked the handful of British Expats resident on the island what they thought and the general response was 'Go back? You must be joking!' :D
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ITV Looking for British Expats

Postby The Deedle » 09 May 2008, 21:16

Hear, hear. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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ITV Looking for British Expats

Postby MacDuff » 10 May 2008, 04:25

Well, as an "ex-pat" I agree with Kojak that potential emigrants are well advised to think and act carefully. My late wife and I emigrated when I was 47, but it was following very careful consideration of the likely future in both the U.K. and Canada. Three of our four children are Canadians. As my knowledge and interests related to agriculture and the food supply chain, many in the farming community who thought at the time that we were a touch loopy, now admire what they regard as foresight. As long ago as 1976, I delivered a paper in the U.K. entitled "Does Britain want it's farmers?" I suggested that British agriculture would literally and metaphorically go downhill. It has! On the other hand, those who for example are accustomed to U.K. trade union influences would be ill advised to emigrate here. We in Alberta are very much free enterprise with both the advantages and disadvantages of it. As I mentioned previously, Alberta has had continuous Progressive Conservative rule for 37 years. Being Liberal or NDP (Socialist) is pretty thankless. Not nice for anyone who likes a welfare state. But, returning to Europe for holidays or on business trips is pleasurable. To address Adriana's question, I am not eligible, as I belong to the "No way" brigade :(
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ITV Looking for British Expats

Postby Maggiemoo » 12 May 2008, 15:15

We nearly applied to this programme when we were heading back from NZ last year - but having seen the 1st series of programmes last Autumn, I'm so glad we didn't!! Some friends of ours who are emigrating to NZ have applied to go on A Place in the Sun - Down Under - we keep telling them they should buy our house which is STILL on the market over there!! The market there is deader than a dodo!!


Back in UK and loving it!! (Though still not persuaded hubster to come with me and the girlies to Symi - boo hiss!!)
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ITV Looking for British Expats

Postby Joanie » 12 May 2008, 22:46

Are you back in the UK for good Maggie?
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ITV Looking for British Expats

Postby Maggiemoo » 13 May 2008, 11:59

Hi Joanie, we are indeed back in the UK now - who knows if its for good though!! At the moment this is where we are settled, our eldest daughter is just about to start primary school so we are staying put for a while to give all the kids some stability. We had a wonderful time in NZ - it just wasn't for us long term.

Maggie xx
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ITV Looking for British Expats

Postby Dave » 14 May 2008, 20:44

They could probably get a long running series if it was about those who want to leave and only come back for weddings, christenings and funerals !!!!!!
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ITV Looking for British Expats

Postby MacDuff » 15 May 2008, 06:40

Emigration is not an easy route. The old expression: "when in Rome....." applies. Of course one has a lot of memories, but one cannot live on them. Yes, we come back for weddings - I'm going to one in North Wales next May - and I usually spend a few days in the U.K. on my way too or from other places. I am very happy with the decision which my late wife and I made, but I have friends whom I met here and who have returned to the U.K. They missed the ambience of England, cricket grounds, English humour and the much more intimate scenery. We don't get a lot of U.K. immigrants. Most are from third world countries and China, but also, quite a lot of Aussies and medics from South Africa.
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